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Sunday, November 4, 2012

A Life that Demands Explanation

Read: Salt and Light (Matthew 5:13-16)

id you ever notice something so beautiful, so unusual, so out of place, that you couldn't help but notice? Perhaps it was something small like a very unusual rock at a beach that caught your eye. Perhaps you were camping and one of your neighbors had a campfire so huge it could not possibly be missed! Maybe you had a teacher in your life that just stood out from all the others. In any of those cases, it was something that stood out that made you take notice.

Our faith should be like that.

One time, before leaving on a mission trip, a pastor told his friend that "we should live our lives in a way that demands explanation". What does that mean? Think about it.

When people see the way we live our life, it should be so different, that others just need to know what on earth is going on. Why are we so different? Why do we show kindness in the face of an enemy? Why do we show peace when things around us should be making us frustrated? Why do we choose words of encouragement when it's so much easier to be negative?

Our lives should simply cause others to pause and want to know more.

You know that city on a hill that we read about in Matthew? Did you notice it read that the city can't be hidden, not shouldn't? The city didn't have an option to hide, it simply could not be hidden because it shined so brightly. May we learn to have faith that shines so brightly, that it simply cannot be hidden, and causes others to want to know more.

The Tackle Box
  • Are we living a life that demands explanation? What are some things we can do to change that?
  • Who in your life has a faith that stands out differently than others, and how?
Pray that we can have the courage to shine brightly for Jesus!

My Fishing Story ...


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